Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The inflexible boundaries that are laid down by narrow definitions of race, nationalism and religion are shadowed by the boundaries that we ourselves remake as we try to make sense of our world. Our lives are not neatly divided and separated by these demarkations. Our stories are sometimes connected in ways that we can't even fathom, until the diversity of our stories is made clear to us through the inability of rigid boundaries to define, classify and label us.

Shadow lines are wide lines of negotiation that we all use to make sense of our differences, and our interconnections. They shift and change, break and re-form, swell and divide into spaces and patterns within the honesty of those of us who choose to ignore the straight, hard libnes and choose to step into a place where our stories have room to move, to dance and exist. These lines of story shadow all of us. They are not always eloquent, or enlightening. Some are brutal and difficult to reconcile.

Stephen Kinnane, Shadow Lines, (Freemantle: Freemantle Arts Centre Press, 2003).
